

SIGLA			:	SOL3075
RESTRICCIONES	:	Nivel postgrado 


El curso analiza el desarrollo de America Latina desde los problemas sociales mas importantes que caracterizan a la region. Durante el curso, se examinaran teorias y literatura acerca del rol de las instituciones en el desarrollo, la formacion del Estado, el crecimiento economico, la desigualdad economica, la evolucion de los sistemas educativos, y el estado de la sociedad civil, entre otros. Hacia el final del curso, el estudiante estara en condiciones de realizar sus propias investigaciones acerca de America Latina. 


* Analizar el desarrollo de los principales aspectos institucionales, sociales y culturales de la sociedad latinoamericana desde una perspectiva historica y comparada. 
* Evaluar la pertinencia de argumentos teoricos en base a informacion empirica.
* Discutir los limites de las explicaciones historicas del desarrollo latinoamericano.
* Identificar elementos comunes y divergentes del desarrollo de los distintos paises de la region.
* Demostrar interes por investigaciones sobre America Latina.


1. El peso de la historia en el desarrollo

2. Formacion del Estado
	2.1 Violencia y orden social
	2.2 Democracia
	2.3 Populismo
	2.4 Tributacion
	2.5 El orden legal

3.	Economia y desarrollo
	3.1 El problema del crecimiento
	3.2 Desigualdad economica
	3.3 Conflicto distributivo y politica social
	3.3 La formacion del mercado laboral

4.	Confianza y sociedad civil 

5.	El sistema educativo

6.	Desafios culturales
	6.1 Religion
	6.2 Nacion y nacionalismo
	6.3 Raza y etnicidad


- Clases expositivas
- Discusion de lecturas asignadas


- Ensayos semanales (cada uno con identica ponderacion) 	100%



Acemoglu, Daron, Simon Johnson, y James A. Robinson. 2005. ?Institutions as a Fundamental Cause of Long-Run Growth.? Pp. 386?472 in Handbook of Economic Growth, Volume 1A, vol. 1. Oxford: Elsevier.
Bergman, Marcelo. 2009. Tax Evasion and the Rule of Law in Latin America: The Political Culture of Cheating and Compliance in Argentina y Chile. Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press.
Centeno, Miguel Angel y Agustin E. Ferraro. 2013b. ?Republics of the Possible: State Building in Latin America y Spain.? Pp. 3?24 in State y Nation Making in Latin America y Spain, editado por Miguel Angel Centeno y Agustin E Ferraro. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Coatsworth, John H. 2008. ?Inequality, Institutions and Economic Growth in Latin America.? Journal of Latin American Studies 40(03):545?69. 
Edwards, Sebastian. 2010. Left Behind: Latin America and the False Promise of Populism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Haggard, Stephan y Robert R. Kaufman. 2008. Development, Democracy, y Welfare States: Latin America, East Asia, and Eastern Europe. Princeton y Oxford: Princeton University Press.
Hoffman, Kelly y Miguel Angel Centeno. 2003. ?The Lopsided Continent: Inequality in Latin America.? Annual Review of Sociology 29(1):363?90.
Huber, Evelyne y Fred Solt. 2004. ?Successes and Failures of Neoliberalism.? Latin American Research Review 39(3):150?64.
Lieberman, Evan S. 2003. Race y Regionalism in the Politics of Taxation in Brazil y South Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lindert, Peter H. 2010. ?The Unequal Lag in Latin American Schooling since 1900: Follow the Money.? Revista de Historia Economica / Journal of Iberian y Latin American Economic History 28(02):375?405.
Lustig, Nora, Luis F. Lopez-Calva, y Eduardo Ortiz-Juarez. 2013. ?Declining Inequality in Latin America in the 2000s: The Cases of Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico.? World Development 44:129?41.
North, Douglass C., William Summerhill, y Barry R. Weingast. 2000. ?Order, Disorder and Economic Change: Latin America vs. North America.? in Governing for Prosperity, editado por Bruce Bueno de Mesquita y Hilton Root. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Oxhorn, Philip. 1998. ?The Social Foundations of Latin America?s Recurrent Populism: Problems of Popular Sector Class Formation y Collective Action.? Journal of Historical Sociology 11(2):212?46.
Sehnbruch, Kirsten. 2006. The Chilean Labor Market: A Key to Understying Latin American Labor Markets. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Schor, Miguel. 2006. ?Constitutionalism Through the Looking Glass of Latin America.? Texas International Law Journal 41(1):2?38.
Schneider, Ben Ross. 2009. ?Hierarchical Market Economies and Varieties of Capitalism in Latin America.? Journal of Latin American Studies 41(3):553?75.
Williamson, Jeffrey G. 2015. ?Latin American Inequality: Colonial Origins, Commodity Booms, or a Missed 20th Century Leveling?? NBER Working Paper No 20915. 


Adelman, Jeremy. 1999. ?The Problem of Persistence in Latin American History.? Pp. 1?13 en Colonial Legacies: the Problem of Persistence in Latin American History, editado por Jeremy Adelman. New York: Routledge.
Centeno, Miguel Angel. 1997. ?Blood and Debt: War and Taxation in Nineteenth-Century Latin America.? The American Journal of Sociology 102(6):1565?1605.
De Ferranti, David, Guillermo E. Perry, Francisco H. .. Ferreira, y Michael Walton. 2004. Inequality in Latin America: Breaking with History? Washington DC: The World Bank.
Frankema, Ewout. 2010. ?The Colonial Roots of Land Inequality: Geography, Factor Endowments, or Institutions?? The Economic History Review 63(2):418?51.
Huber, Evelyne y Juan Bogliaccini. 2010. ?Latin America.? Pp. 644?55 en Oxford Handbook of Welfare Regimes, editado por Francis G Castles, Stephan Leibfried, Jane Lewis, y Herbert Obinger. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Newly, Carlos. 1995. ?Spanish American Elementary Education, 1950-1992: Bureaucracy, Growth, and Decentralization.? International Journal of Educational Development 15(2):103?14.
Oxhorn, Philip. 2006. ?Conceptualizing Civil Society from the Bottom Up: A Political Economy Perspective.? Pp. 59?86 en Civil Society y Democracy in Latin America, editado por Richard Feinberg, Carlos H Waisman, y Leon Zamosc. London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
Sokoloff, Kenneth L. y Eric M. Zolt. 2007. ?Inequality and the Evolution of Institutions of Taxation?: Evidence from the Economic History of the Americas.? Pp. 83?136 en The Decline of Latin American Economies: Growth, Institution, and Crises, editado por Sebastian Edwards, Gerardo Esquivel, y Graciela Marquez. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Torche, Florencia y Eduardo Valenzuela. 2011. ?Trust and Reciprocity: A Theoretical Distinction of the Sources of Social Capital.? European Journal of Social Theory 14(2):181?98.