


CURSO             : Sociologia del Trabajo Contemporanea/ Contemporary Sociology of Work
SIGLA             : SOL3054
CRÉDITOS          : 5
MÓDULOS           : 2 modulos /bimestral
REQUISITOS        : Alumno Postgrado UC
CARÁCTER          : Optativo
DISCIPLINA        : Sociologia


      Este curso presenta los principales temas de investigacion actual en el campo de la
      sociologia del trabajo. Luego de una introduccion teorica a las tematicas del area de estudio
      se centra en la revision de investigaciones empiricas sobre los distintos ambitos de la
      experiencia laboral en la sociedad contemporanea.


    1. Conocer el ambito de estudio de la sociologia del trabajo y sus principales temas de
       interes en el contexto contemporaneo.
    2. Reflexionar sobre la centralidad del trabajo en la sociedad actual a la luz de distintos
       estudios empiricos.
    3. Examinar algunas de las particularidades que presenta el trabajo en la sociedad
       contemporanea y sus implicancias para la politica publica.


    1. El trabajo en la sociedad contemporanea: nuevos significados en un contexto de riesgo e
    2. Nuevas inseguridades: empleo precario, flexibilidad laboral y desempleo.
    3. Nuevas inequidades: edad, raza, genero y discapacidades en el trabajo.
    4. Trabajo y emociones. Identidad, salud y bienestar en el trabajo.
    5. Nuevas formas de organizacion y nuevas tecnologias.
    6. Nuevos lugares para el trabajo: globalizacion, inmigracion y organizacion del trabajo sin
    7. Culturas de trabajo.


    1. Clases lectivas
    2. Discusion de articulos.
    3. Revision de trabajos de investigacion.

El curso consiste en 15 sesiones lectivas que comprenden las seis secciones que se especifican
mas arriba. Se realizaran dos controles de lectura de la bibliografia, a traves de dos ensayos
criticos sobre la misma basandose en preguntas propuestas por el profesor.


2 ensayos:                    30%
Trabajo de investigacion:     70%

Abendroth, A y den Dulk, L. (2011) "Support for the work-life balance in Europe: the impact of
state, workplace and family support on work-life balance satisfaction" Work, Employment &
Society June 2011 25: 234-256
Beck, U. (2000). The Brave New World of Work. Cambridge: Polity.
Couldry, N. y Littler, J. (2011) "Work, Power and Performance: Analysing the 'Reality' Game of
Apprentice". Cultural Sociology 5: 263
Coyle, A. (2006) "Changing Times; Flexibilization and the re-organization of work in feminized
labour markets" A New Sociology of work? Sociological Review Monographs, Wiley-Blackwell.
Craig, L y Powell, A. (2011) Non-standard work schedules, work-family balance and the
gendered division of childcare. Work, Employment & Society June 2011 25: 274-291
Crawford, M. (2009) Shop Class as Soulcraft. New York, Penguin Press.
Diaz, X., Godoy, L., y Stecher, A. (2007). "Trabajo e Identidades: Continuidades y Rupturas en
un Contexto de Flexibilizacion laboral". In Los Significados del Trabajo Femenino en el Mundo
Global, editado por Rocio Guadarrama, 81-100. Ciudad de Mexico: Anthropos.
Doherty, M. (2009). "When the Working Day is Through: the End of Work as Identity? Work ,
Employment and Society Vol 23, N? 84: 84-101.
Felstead, A., Jewson, N. and Walters, S. (2005). Changing Places of Work. Basingstoke:
Felstead, A., Jewson, N., Phizacklea A. y Walters, S. (2001). "Working at Home: Statistical
Evidence for Seven Key Hypothesis" Work, Employment and Society Vol 15, N?2: 215-231.
Fernandez, R. y Fernandez-Mateo, I. "Networks, Race, and Hiring"American Sociological
Review, February 2006; vol. 71, 1: pp. 42-71.
Grint, K. (2005) The Sociology of Work: Introduction. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Harper, D. Y Lawson, H. (2003) The Cultural Study of Work. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield
Jayaraman, S. y Ness, I. (2005) New Urban Immigrant Workforce: Innovative Models for Labor
Organizing. NY, M. E. Sharpe.
Kalleberg, A. (2009) "Precarious Work, Insecure Workers: Employment Relations in Transition"
American Sociological Review, February 2009; vol. 74, 1: pp. 1-22.
Kelly, E., Moen, P. Y Tranby E. (2011) "Changing Workplaces to Reduce Work-Family
Conflict: Schedule Control in a White-Collar Organization" American Sociological Review, April
2011; vol. 76, 2: pp. 265-290
Kenny, B. (2007) "Claiming Workplace Citizenship: "Worker" Legacies, Collective Identities
and Divided Loyalties of South African Contingent Retail Workers". Qualitative Sociology,
Volume 30, Number 1, 481-500.

Moore, S. (2009) "No matter what I did I would still end up in the same position': age as a factor
defining older women's experience of labour market participation". Work, Employment &
Society, December 2009; vol. 23, 4: pp. 655-671
Noon, M. (2007) The Realities of Work. Nueva York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Offe, C. and Heinze, R. (1992). Beyond Employment. Time Work and the Informal Economy.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Otis, E. (2008) Beyond the Industrial Paradigm: Market-Embedded Labor and the Gender
Organization of Global Service Work in China American Sociological Review, February 2008;
vol. 73, 1: pp. 15-36.
Quark, A. (2007) "From Global Cities to the Lands' End: The Relocation of Corporate
headquarters and the New Company Towns of Rural America." Qualitative Sociology, Volume
30, Number 1, 21-40.
Riach, K. y Loretto, W. "Identity work and the `unemployed' worker: age, disability and the lived
experience of the older unemployed". Work, Employment & Society, March 2009; vol. 23, 1: pp.
Sennett, R. (2006) La Corrosion del Caracter. Barcelona: Anagrama.
Soto, A. (ed.) (2008) Flexibilidad laboral y subjetividades. Hacia una comprension psicosocial
del empleo contemporaneo. (editor) Santiago: LOM.
Tilly, C. and Tilly, C. (1998). Work under Capitalism. Boulder-Oxford: Westview Press.
Tipple, G. (2006). "Employment and Work Conditions in Home-based Enterprises in Four
Developing Countries: Do They Constitute `Decent Work'?" Work, Employment and Society 20,
N?1: 167-179
Todaro, R. y Ya?ez, S. (2004). El Trabajo se Transforma: Relaciones de Produccion y
Relaciones de Genero. Santiago: CEM.
Western, B. y Rosenfeld, J. (2011) "Unions, Norms, and the Rise in U.S. Wage Inequality".
American Sociological Review, August 2011 76: 513-537.
White, R. y Green, A. (2010). "Opening Up or Closing Down Opportunities?: The Role of
Social Networks and Attachment to Place in Informing Young People's Attitudes and Access to
Training and Employment". Urban Studies OnlineFirst May 18: 1-20.
Wolkowitz, C. (2006) Bodies at Work. London, Sage.
Zlolniski, C. (2006) Janitors, Street Vendors and Activists: The Lives of Mexican Immigrants in
Silicon Valley. Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press.
