

SIGLA              :      SOL151A
CRÉDITOS           :      10
MÓDULOS            :      03


     El curso ofrece una entrada a la tematica de la migracion y el transnacionalismo, presentando estudios
     empiricos y etnograficos e introduciendo teorias relevantes para su analisis. En particular se discutira el
     fenomeno de la migracion, la migracion forzada, la diaspora y practicas del transnacionalismo en relacion a
     los estudios recientes de estado y ciudadania dentro de la antropologia. El curso emprendera un movimiento
     analitico doble: por un lado se analizara el fenomeno de la migracion en el contexto de un mundo organizados
     en estados (naciones) con sus respectivas ciudadanias y, por el otro, se incursionara en una antropologia del
     estado y la ciudadania informada desde practicas actuales de migracion.


     1.     Estudiar las problematicas y teorias sobre la reciente antropologia de la migracion y transnacionalismo,
            del estado, y la ciudadania, generando una discusion sobre los procesos de migracion y sus efectos
            sobre las nociones de estado y ciudadania en un mundo globalizado.

     1.     Comprender y llevar adelante una discusion critica de los conceptos centrales de la migracion,
            transnacionalismo y diaspora.
     2.     Comprender los conceptos centrales Estado, ciudadania y soberania, y llevar adelante una reflexion en
            torno a las practicas asociadas a ellos.
     3.     Comprender la relacion y ser capaz de asociar las areas de estudio de migracion y transnacionalismo
            con las de estado y ciudadania.
     4.     Discutir y analizar los procesos migratorios y las practicas estatales asociadas a ellos en la region.
     5.     Discutir y reflexionar sobre las implicaciones metodologicas de llevar a cabo investigacion
            antropologica y etnografica sobre practicas de migracion en un mundo globalizado.


     1. Introduciendo migracion.
            1.1.   Estudio de migracion.
            1.2.   ?Que es un migrante?
            1.3.   Migracion interna y la identidad nacional.
            1.4.   Nacionalismo metodico y el orden nacional.
            1.5.   Migracion latina.
            1.6.   Migrantes en Chile/Chilenos migrantes.

     2.     Estado y ciudadania.
            2.1.   Estudio del Estado y la ciudadania.
            2.2.   Etnografias del Estado.
            2.3.   Ciudadania y vida precarias.
            2.4.   Ciudadania y migracion illegal.
            2.5.   Politicas de Integracion/Asimilacion.
            2.6.   Patriotismo y nacionalismo a larga distancia.

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    3.    Migracion forzada.
          3.1.   Diasporas.
          3.2.   Refugiados.

    4.    Transnacionalismo.
          4.1.   Hacia el transnacionalismo.
          4.2.   Teoria transnacional reciente.
          4.3.   Practicas politicas transnacionales.
          4.4.   Migracion, globalizacion e identidad.
          4.5.   Consideraciones metodologicas.
          4.6.   Discusion final.


    -     Clases expositivas.
    -     Discusiones en aula.
    -     Trabajo grupal y presentaciones de los estudiantes (disertaciones).
    -     Ejercicios practicos, con salidas a terreno.


    -     Prueba 1: 30%
    -     Prueba 2: 30%
    -     Trabajo de campo y ensayo final: 40%

    La asistencia a las ayudantias es obligatoria y los textos discutidos seran objeto de evaluacion en las dos
    pruebas. La evaluacion final considerara la asistencia y participacion a las ayudantias. Los textos para cada
    ayudantia seran anunciados en clases y estaran disponibles en la pagina web del curso

    Para aprobar al curso es requisito indispensable haber asistido al 90% del curso.


    Adamson, F. B.                             "Mobilizing for the Transformation of Home: Politicized Identities
                                               and Transnational Practices" in N. Al-Ali & K. Koser (eds.) New
                                               Approaches to Migration? Transnational communities and the
                                               transformation of home. London, Routledge, 2002. pp. 155-168.

    Agamben, Giorgio                           Introduction, in: Homo Sacer. Sovereign Power and Bare Life.
                                               Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1998.

    Ahmad, A. N.                               Dead Men Working: Time and Space in Londons (,,Illegal)
                                               Migrant Economy. Work, Employment and Society 22 (2). 2008:
                                               301 - 318.

    Anderson, B.                               "Long-Distance Nationalism" in The Spectre of Comparisons:
                                               Nationalism, Southeast Asia and the World. Londres y New York,
                                               Verso, 1998. pp. 58-75.

    Appadurai, A.                              "Patriotism and Its Futures" in Modernity at Large: Cultural
                                               Dimensions of Globalization. Minneapolis y Londres. University of
                                               Minnesota Press, 1996. pp. 158-77

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Appadurai, A.                         "Global Ethnoscapes: Notes and Queries for a Transnational
                                      Anthropology" in Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of
                                      Globalization. Minneapolis y Londres. University of Minnesota
                                      Press, 1991. pp. 48-65.

Baubock, R.                           "Citizenship and Migration - Concepts and Controversies" in R.
                                      Baubock (ed.) Migration and Citizenship: Legal Status, Rights and
                                      Political Participation. Amsterdam. Amsterdam University Press,
                                      2006. pp. 15-31

Benjamin, W.                          "Theses on the Philosophy of History, IX" in Illuminations,
                                      Londres. Pimlico, 1999. p. 249.

Brettell, C.                          "Theorizing Migration in Anthropology: The Social Construction
                                      of Networks, Identities, Communities and Globalscapes" in C.
                                      Brettell and J. Hollifield (eds.) Migration Theory: Talking across
                                      Disciplines. New York. Routledge, 2007. pp. 113-159.

Brubaker, R.                          "The ,,Diaspora Diaspora" Ethnic and Racial Studies, 28 (1). 2005:

Castles, S. y Miller, M.              "Theories of Migration" in The Age of Migration: International
                                      Population Movements in the Modern World. New York y
                                      Londres. The Guilford Press, 2009. pp. 20-49.

Castles, S.                           "Towards a Sociology of Forced Migration and Social
                                      Transformation" Sociology 37(1). 2003: 13-34.

Das, V. y Poole, D.                   "State and its margins: Comparative Ethnographies, In Ed. Veena
                                      Das and Deborah Poole, Anthropology in the Margins of the State,
                                      Oxford. James Currey, 2004. pp. 3-34

Clifford, J.                          "Diasporas" Cultural Anthropology 9 (3). 1994: 302-38.

Cohen, R.                             "Four Phases of Diaspora Studies" in Global Diasporas: An
                                      Introduction. Londres y New York. Routledge, 2008. pp. 1-19.

Faist, T.                             "Amalgamating Newcomers, National Minority and Diaspora -
                                      Integration(s) of Immigrants from Poland in Germany" in R.
                                      Sackmann, B. Peters and T. Faist (eds.) Identity and Integration:
                                      Migrants in Western Europe. Aldershot, UK. Ashgate Publishing
                                      Limited, 2003. pp. 205-34.

Friedman, J.                          "Global Crisis, the Struggle for Cultural Identity and Intellectual
                                      Pork Barreling: Cosmopolitanisms versus Locals, Ethnics and
                                      Nationals in an Era of De-hegemonization" in P. Werbner and T.
                                      Modood (eds.) Debating Cultural Hybridity: Multi-Cultural
                                      Identities and the Politics of Anti-Racism. Londres y New Jersey.
                                      Zed Books Ltd, 1997. pp. 70-89.

Fuglerud, O.                          "Inside Out: The reorganization of National Identity in Norway, in:
                                      Sovereign Bodies. Citizens, Migrants and States in the Postcolonial
                                      World. Ed. Thomas Blom Hansen and Finn Stepputat. Princeton
                                      and Oxford. Princeton University Press, 2005. pp. 1-36

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Glick Schiller, N., Basch, L.             "Transnationalism: A New Analytic Framework for Understanding
y Blanc-Szanton, C.                       Migration" in Towards a Transnational Perspective on Migration:
                                          Race, Class, Ethnicity, and Nationalism Reconsidered. New York.
                                          The New York Academy of Sciences, 1992. pp. 1-24.

Glick Schiller, N. & Fouron, G.           "Long-Distance Nationalism Defined" in Georges Woke Up
                                          Laughing: Long-distance Nationalism and the Search for Home.
                                          Durham y Londres. Duke University Press, 2001. pp. 17-35.

Guarnizo, L. E. y Smith, M.P.             "The Locations of Transnationalism" in M. P. Smith, M. P. & L. E.
                                          Guarnizo (eds.) Transnationalism from Below. New Brunswick,
                                          New Jersey. Transaction Publishers, 1998. pp. 3-34.

Hage, G.                                  "A not so Multi-sited Ethnography of a not so Imagined
                                          Community" Anthropological Theory 5 (4). 2005: 463-475.

Hall, S.                                  "Cultural Identity and Diaspora" in J. Rutherford (ed.) Identity:
                                          Community, Culture, Difference. Londres. Lawrence and Wishart
                                          Ltd, 1990. pp. 222-37.

Hansen, T.B. y Stepputat, F.              "Introduction: States of Imagination" in: States of Imagination:
                                          Ethnographic Explorations of the Postcolonial World, Ed. Thomas
                                          Blom Hansen and Finn Stepputat. Durham y Londres. Duke
                                          University Press, 2001. pp. 1-40

Hansen, T.B. y Stepputat, F.              "Introduction", in: Sovereign Bodies. Citizens, Migrants and States
                                          in the Postcolonial World. Ed. Thomas Blom Hansen and Finn
                                          Stepputat. Princeton and Oxford. Princeton University Press, 2005.
                                          pp. 1-38

Koser, K.                                 "Asylum Policies, Trafficking and Vulnerability" International
                                          Migration, 38 (3). 2000: 91-108.

Kusow, A. M.                              "Beyond Indigenous Authenticity: Reflections on the
                                          Insider/Outsider Debate in Immigration Research" Symbolic
                                          Interaction 26 (4). 2003: 591-599.

Levitt, P. y Glick Schiller, N.           "Conceptualizing Simultaneity: A Transnational Social Field
                                          Perspective on Society" International Migration Review 38 (3).
                                          2004: 1002-1039.

Levitt, P. y Jaworsky, N.                 "Transnational Migration Studies: Past Developments and Future
                                          Trends" Annual Review of Sociology 33. 2007: 129-56.

Lewis, O.                                 "Urbanization without Breakdown: A Case Study" The Scientific
                                          Monthly 75 (1). 1952: 31-41.

Long, L. D.                               "Anthropological Perspectives on the Trafficking of Women for
                                          Sexual Exlopitation" International Migration 42 (1). 2004: 5-30.

Malkki, L.                                "National Geographic: The Rooting of People and the
                                          Territorialization of National Identity among Scholars and
                                          Refugees" Cultural Anthropology 7 (1). 1992: 24-44.

Marcus, G.                                "Ethnography in / of the World System: The Emergence of Multi-
                                          sited Ethnography" Annual Review of Anthropology 24. 1995: 95-

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Ong, A.                                "Cyberpublics and Diaspora Politics among Transnational
                                       Chinese" Interventions 5 (1). 2003: 82-100.

Paerregaard, K.                        Linking Separate Worlds: Urban Migrants and Rural Lives in Peru.
                                       Oxford, Berg, 1997.

Portes, A.                             "Conclusion: Theoretical Convergencies and Empirical Evidence in
                                       the Study of Immigrant Transnationalism" International Migration
                                       Review 37. 2003: 874-892.

Rouse, R.                              "Mexican Migration and the Social Space of Postmodernism" in S.
                                       Vertovec and R. Cohen (eds.) Migration, Diasporas and
                                       Transnationalism. Cheltenham, UK. Edward Elgar Publishing,

Salih, R.                              "Moroccan Migrant Women: Transnationalism, Nation-states and
                                       Gender" Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 27 (4). 2001:

Sargent C. F. y Larchanche-Kim, S.     "Liminal Lives: Immigration Status, Gender, and the Construction
                                       of Identities among Malian Migrants in Paris" American
                                       Behavioral Scientist 50 (1). 2006: 9-26.

Seligmann, L.                          "To Be in Between: The Cholas as Market Women", Comparative
                                       Studies in Society and History 31 (4). 1989: 694-721

Turner, S.                             "Suspended Spaces - Con testing Sovereignties in a Refugee
                                       Camp, in: Sovereign Bodies. Citizens, Migrants and States in the
                                       Postcolonial World. Ed. Thomas Blom Hansen and Finn Stepputat,
                                       Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2005. pp. 312-

Wimmer, A. y Glick Schiller, N.        "Methodological Nationalism and Beyond: Nation-state Building,
                                       Migration and the Social Sciences" Global Networks 2 (4). 2002:

?stergaard-Nielsen, E.                 "The Politics of Migrants Transnational Political Practices"
                                       International Migration Review 37 (3). 2003: 760-786.

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