

SIGLA		:	ANT3001


Este curso corresponde a la segunda parte de una profundizacion de teoria antropologica, desde varios puntos de vista historicos y tematicos. Se ofrecera una revision exhaustiva de tematicas y teorias clasicas a partir de topicos contemporaneos, emergentes y relevantes para la actualidad. En la primera unidad se examinara la base teorica e historica del pensamiento antropologico y de las ciencias sociales en relacion a cuestiones de: cognicion, cuerpo, incorporacion, conceptos de persona, y principios y fines de vida (antropologia de la concepcion, vida y muerte). En la segunda unidad se abordaran tematicas relacionadas con lo que consideramos ?social?. Se mirara rituales y eventos a partir de sus cosmologicas, y se cuestionara nociones de mediacion y representacion, buscando alternativas. Se abordaran las bases filosoficas y antropologicas de conceptos de materialidad y se mirara la antropologia de la tecnologia y del arte como posibles puntos de innovacion. En la tercera unidad se profundizara en los despliegues de ontologias de lo invisible, de ambientes y condiciones extremas de vida, como en las profundidades del mar o en el espacio extraterrestre, y se enfocara en como la antropologia ha concebido de estos lugares y entes extraordinarios en sus teorias. Finalmente, se tocara el tema del afecto y de como la ?virtualidad? (de Deleuze y Guattari) se ha transformado en modelo viable (o no) para una antropologia posmoderna.


Objetivo general: Conocer y profundizar en topicos y teorias antropologicas contemporaneas, situando estos en relacion con los debates clasicos de la disciplina.

Objetivos especificos:
1)Analizar y discutir criticamente conceptos y marcos teoricos antropologicos relativos a cognicion, persona, cuerpo, materialidad, y sentidos.
2)Leer y analizar en profundidad etnografias clasicas y contemporaneas clave de los temas relevantes de la clase.
3)Entender critica y creativamente los textos en cuestion y producir analisis originales sobre las tematicas del curso.


	1.1 Practica, cognicion, y vivencia
	1.2 Formulaciones de la persona y si-mismo
	1.3 Antropologia del cuerpo/performance/sexualidad y genero
	1.4 Principios y fines de vida

	2.1 Que es lo ?social?? Ritos, eventos, cosmologias
	2.2 Mediacion y representacion: una critica desde la antropologia 
	2.3 Las fundaciones filosoficas y antropologicas de la cultura material
	2.4 Antropologia de las tecnologias y artes

	3.1 Antropologia de lo invisible
	3.2 Imaginacion en condiciones humanas y extra-humanas extremas 
	3.3 El ordinario y extraordinario en antropologia
	3.4 Afecto y virtualidad


Clases expositivas (primer modulo)
Seminario guiado con asistencia obligatoria (segundo modulo): cada estudiante debe leer los textos previamente para poder hacer presentaciones, contestar a preguntas orales y hacer debates.


-Ensayo 	 			70%
-Participacion				10%	
-Presentacion individual (2)		20%



-Beliso-De Jesus, Aisha. 2015. Electric Santeria: Racial and Sexual Assemblages of Transnational Religion. New York: Columbia University Press
-Catedra, Maria. 1992. This World, Other Worlds: Sickness, Suicide, Death, and the Afterlife Among the Vaqueros de Alzada of Spain. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
-Clark, Andy. 1998. Being There: Putting Brain, Body and World Together Again. Boston: MIT Press
-Conklin, Beth A. & Lynn M. Morgan. 1996. ?Babies, bodies, and the production of personhood in North America and a Native Amazonian Society?. Ethos 24 (4): 656-694
-Johnson, Paul (ed). 2014. Spirited Things: The Work of ?Possession? in Afro-Atlantic Religions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
-Lambek, Michael and Andrew Strathern (eds). 1998. Bodies and persons. Comparative perspectives from Africa and Melanesia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 
-Latour, Bruno. 2004. ?How to talk about the body? The normative dimension of social science studies?. Body & Society 10: 2-3 pp. 205-29. 
-Membe, Achille. 2019. Necropolitics. Durham: University of Duke Press
-Morris, Rosalind. 1995. ?All made up: performance theory and the new anthropology of sex and gender?. Annual Review of Anthropology 24:567-592. 
-Taylor, Charles. 1992. The Sources of the Self: The Making of the Modern Identity. Boston: Harvard University Press.
-Varela, Francisco J., Evan Thompson & Eleaonor Rosch. 1991. The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press


-Galloway, Alexander, Eugene Thacker and McKenzie Wark. 2014. Excommunication: Three Inquires into Media and Mediation. Chicago: Chicago University Press
-Gell, Alfred. 1998. Art and Agency. Oxford: Clarendon Press. ?
-Gell, Alfred. 1994. ?The Technology of Enchantment and the Enchantment of Technology.? In Anthropology, Art, and Aesthetics, edited by Jeremy Coote, 41?63. Oxford: Clarendon.
-Gordon, Avery. 1997. Ghostly Matters: Haunting and the Sociological Imagination. Minneapolis: Minnesota University Press
-Handelman, Don. 1998 (1990). Models and Mirrors: Towards an Anthropology of Public Events. London: Berghahn Books
-Ingold, Tim. 2000. The Perception of the Environment: Essays in Livelihood, Dwelling and Skill. London: Routledge.
-Law, John, and Annemarie Mol. 1995. ?Notes on Materiality and Sociality.? Sociological Review 43(2): 274?94.
-Malafouris, Lambros. 2016. How Things Shape the Mind: A Theory of Material Engagement. Boston: MIT Press.
-Miller, Daniel. 2005. ?Materiality: An Introduction?. In Materiality, edited by Daniel Miller, pp. 1- 50. Duke University Press, Durham and London. ?
-Otsuki, Grant Jun, Shiho Satsuka, Keiichi Omura, and Atsuro Morita. 2019. ?Introduction.? In The World Multiple: The Quotidian Politics of Knowing and Generating Entangled Worlds, edited by Keiichi Omura, Grant Jun Otsuki, Shiho Satsuka, and Atsuro Morita, 1?18. London: Routledge.
-Taylor, Charles. 2007. The Secular Age. Boston: Harvard University Press


-Battaglia, Debbora (ed). 2005. E.T. Culture: Anthropology in Outerspaces, Durham: Duke University Press
-Bennett, Jane. 2010. Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things. Durham, DC: Duke University Press.
-Hallowell, Irving. 1955. Culture and Experience. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 
-Helmreich, Stefan. 2007. ?An Anthropologist Underwater: Immersive Soundscapes, Submarine Cyborgs, and Transductive Ethnography.? American Ethnologist 34(4): 621?41.
-Kripal, Jeffrey J.  2010. Authors of the Impossible: The paranormal and the sacred. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
-Lepselter, Susan C. 2016. The Resonance of Unseen Things: Poetics, Power, Captivity and UFOs in the American Uncanny. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
-Massumi, Brian. 2002. Parables for the Virtual: Movement, Affect, Sensation. Durham: Duke University Press
-Ochoa, Todd Ramon, 2010, Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley: University of California Press
-Stewart, Kathleen. 2011. ?Atmospheric attunements?. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 29: 3, 445-453.
-Toren, Christina. 2012. ?Imagining the world that warrants our imagination: the revelation of ontogeny?. Cambridge Anthropology 30 (1): 64-79
-Valentine, David, Valerie A. Olson and Debbora Battaglia, 2012. ?Extreme: Limits and Horizons in the Once and Future Cosmos?. Anthropological Quarterly 85 (4): 1007-1026

Bibliografia complementaria:

-Abrahamsson, Sebastian, Filippo Bertoni, and Annemarie Mol. 2015. ?Living with Omega-3: New Materialism and Enduring Concerns.? Environment and Planning D 33: 4?19.
-Abreu, Maria Jose de. 2013. ?Technological indeterminacy: threat, medium, temporality?. Anthropological Theory 13 (3): 267-284
-Abreu, Maria Jose de. 2019. ?Medium Theory; Or the War of the Words at Regular Intervals.? Current Anthropology. 60 (5): 656-673
-Bateson, Gregory.1973. Steps to an Ecology of Mind. London: Fontana.?
-Bell, Catherine M., 2002, `?The Chinese believe in spirits?: belief and believing in the study of religion?, in Radical Interpretation in Religion, Nancy Frankenberry (ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Pp. 100-116
-Benedict, Ruth. 1989 (1934). El hombre y la cultura. Barcelona: Edhasa
-Boellstorff, Tom. 2005. The Gay Archipelago: Sexuality and Nation in Indonesia. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 
-Brandes, Stanley. 2001. ?The cremated catholic: the ends of a deceased Guatemalan?. Body and Society 7 (2-3): 111-120. 
-Cole, Michael. 1999 (1996). Psicologia Cultural: Una disciplina del pasado y del futuro. Madrid: Morata
-Conklin, Beth. 1997. ?Body paint, feathers and VCRs: aesthetics and authenticity in Amazonian activism?. American Ethnologist, 24(4): 711-37. 
-Csordas, Thomas. 1999. ?The body?s career in Anthropology?. In: H. Moore (ed.), Anthropological Theory Today. Cambridge: Polity Press. Pps: 172-205. 
-Csordas, Thomas. 1990. ?Embodiment as a paradigm for anthropology?. Ethos 18: 5-47. 
-Csordas, Thomas. 1994 (ed). ?Introduction: the body as representation and being-in-the- world?. In: (Csordas, T., org), Embodiment and Experience. The existencial ground of culture and self. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pps: 1-24. 
-Escolar, Diego. 2010. ??Calingasta x-file?: reflexiones para una antropologia de lo extraordinario?. Intersecciones en Antropologia 11 (1): 295-308
-Fodor, Jerry. 1981. The mind-body problem. Scientific American 244 (1): 114?123. 
-Foucault, Michel. 2006. La Historia de la Sexualidad: La Voluntad de Saber. Mexico: Siglo XXI
-Gell, Alfred. 1988. ?Technology and Magic.? Anthropology Today 4(2): 6-9. ?
-Handelman, Don. 2021. Moebius Anthropology: Essays on the Forming of Form. Edited by Matan Shapiro and Jackie Feldman. New York & Oxford: Berghahn
-Handelman, Don. 2012. ?Postlude: Framing Hierarchically, Framing Moebiusly?. Journal of Ritual Studies 26 (2): 65?77.
-Hertz, Robert. 1990. La Muerte y la Mano Derecha. Madrid: Alianza Editorial
-Hollan, Douglas. 2000. ?Constructivist Models of Mind, Contemporary Psychoanalysis and the Development of Culture Theory?. American Anthropologist 102 (3): 538?50.
-Howes, David. 2006. ?Scent, Sound and Synaesthesia.? In Handbook of Material Culture. Edited by Chris Tilley et. al., pp. 160-172. London: Sage Publications. ?
-Ingold, Tim. 2007. ?Materials against materiality?. Archaeological Dialogues 14:1-16. ?
-Ishii, Miho. 2012. ?Acting with things: self-poiesis, actuality, and contingency in the formation of divine worlds?. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 2 (2): 371-88
-Jenkins, David. 1994. ?Object lessons and ethnographic displays: museum exhibitions and the making of American anthropology.? Comparative Studies in Society and History, 32(2): 242-270. ?
-Lakoff, George, and Mark Johnson. 2009 (1980) Metaforas de la la vida cuotidiana. Madrid: Coleccion Teorema
-Latour, Bruno. 2004. ?How to talk about the body? The normative dimension of social science studies?. Body & Society 10: 2-3 pp. 205-29. 
-LeVine, Robert A., org. 2010. Psychological Anthropology: A Reader on Self in Culture. London: Wiley Blackwell
-Lincoln, Martha and Bruce Lincoln. 2015. ?Toward a critical hauntology: Bare afterlife and the ghosts of Ba Chuc?. Comparative Studies in Society and History 57 (1): 191-220
-Lock, Margaret. 1993. ?Cultivating the body: Anthropology and Epistemologies of Bodily Practice and Knowledge?. Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 22: 133-55. 
-Lock, Margaret & Nancy Scheper-Hughes, 1987. ?The mindful body?. Medical Anthropology Quaterly 1(1): 6-41. 
-Lutz, Catherine. 1998 (1988). Unnatural Emotions: Everyday Sentiments on a Micronesian Atoll and their Challenge to Western Theory, Chicago: University of Chicago Press
-Mauss, Marcel. 1935 ?Techniques of the Body.? In Schlanger, N. 2006. Marcel Mauss: Techniques, Technology and Civilization, pp. 77-96. Oxford: Berghahn. ?
-Miller, Daniel. 2005 (ed.) Materiality. Durham and London: Duke University Press. ?
-Miller, Daniel. 1987. ?The Humility of Objects.? Material Culture and Mass Consumption, ?pp. 85-108. London: Blackwell. ?
-Murphy, William .P 1998. ?The Sublime Dance of Mende Politics: An African Aesthetic of Charismatic Power.? American Ethnologist 25(4): 563-582. 
-Pasulka, Diana. 2019. American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, Technology. Oxford: Oxford University Press
-Schieffelin, Edwin L. 1985. ?Performance and the Cultural Construction of Reality?. American Ethnologist 12 (4): 707-724
-Stoller, Paul. 1994. Embodying Colonial Memories. American Anthropologist 3:634 ? ?648. ?
-Strathern, Marilyn. 1999. Property, Substance, and Effect: Anthropological Essays on Persons and Things. London: Athlone Press 
-Taussig, Michael. 1993. Mimesis and Alterity. New York: Columbia University Press
-Van Wolputte, Stephen. 2004. ?Hang on to your self: of bodies, embodiment, and selves.? Annual Review of Anthropology 33: 251-69. 
-Vilaca, Aparecida. 2002. ?Making kin out of others in Amazonia?. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 8(2):347-365. 
-Walter, Tony. 2004. ?Plastination for display: a new way to dispose of the dead?. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 10 (3): 603-627